CAVUM flex
smallest screw system in the world
CAVUM flex

End profile - transition profile - levelling profil
With the development of the new CAVUM flex, which has been particularly designed for the installation of floating LVT coverings, Profloor has succeeded in creating a little wonder of flexibility. CAVUM flex relies on an exclusive two-part screw system, which currently is the smallest screw system in the world, in order to keep these coverings movable. For instance, this unique profile is variable in height and it also allows tilting. User-friendly and tensile screws facilitate a continuously variable laying.
Extraordinary is also the remarkably slim design with a particularly room-saving, innovative basic profile being complemented by a slim counterpart formed by sophisticated tilting upper components. The beautifully shaped CAVUM flex is available as end, jointing or compensation profile and it, for sure, provides an elegant appearance.